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Diversity in boreal region & unusual survivors

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Narcissus pseudonarcissus (Narsissi)

Narcissus grow in every garden and appear as soon as the bare earth appears under the melting snow. While the tulips gradually weaken...

Muscari armeniacum (Tummahelmililja)

One of the most common lilies of the spring, originally from Greece and Asia. It tolerates well the boreal climate and decorates...

Malus purpurea (Koristeomenapuu)

Some apple trees exist for our mouths and some other for our eyes. M.pupurea has small, hard and acrid apples, suitable just as food for...

Mahonia aquifolium (Mahonia)

An evergreen bush from western North America. I got the small plant from my friend 2018. It has grown well and seems to tolerate our cold...

Lysimachia nummularia (Suikeroalpi)

L.nymmularia grows wild already in southern Scandinavia, but in Finland it is seen mostly in gardens or at least close to them. The other...

Lychnis chalcedonica (Palava rakkaus)

A striking perennial color spot among the garden plants, also blooming a rather long time. The Finnish name means "burning love". An apt...

Lonicera caerulea (Sinikuusama)

A bush with yellow flowers and blue berries. In nature L.caerulea grows jus in a restricted area in the North-East. It is protected by...

Ligustrum vulgare (Aitalikusteri)

In Europe a common shrub found everywhere, but not in the boreal region. The northernmost wild bushes may be found in south Sweden. It...

Ligularia wilsoniana (Kultanauhus)

As most oft the genus Ligularia, also L.wilsoniana comes from China. It resembles quite much L.przewalskii and likes also moist soil and...

Ligularia przewalskii (Valtikkanauhus)

A common perennial decorative plant from China and Mongolia. The long and high inflorescence consists of numerous small yellow flowers....

Ligularia dentata (Kallionauhus)

This large perennial plant from China and Japan is often seen in boreal gardens. Due to its late flowering time, it functions as an...

Liatris spicata (Punatähkä)

A beautiful, spike-formed perennial flower from eastern North America. Its colors attracts butterflies and also the attention of people....

Leucojum aestivum (Suvikello)

A small lily showing its white flowers some later than the most of other in spring blooming onion plants. Though small, the flower is...

Leptinella potentillina (Saumayrtti)

A strong but small land cover plant from the small Catham Island in New Zealand. It is used to fill for example the spaces between...

Lavatera thuringiaca (Harmaamalvikki)

This high plant with large and bright colored flowers can't be ignored when growing on roadsides. Usually it is seen in gardens but...

Larix sibirica (Siperianlehtikuusi)

This large and hardy conifer is rather common in Finnish forests but it is nearly always planted by man. It prefers the continental...

Lamium maculatum (Hopeatäpläpeippi)

L.maculatum grows wild in Europe and western Asia. It is sometimes seen in Finnish gardens as decorative land covering plant in is quite...

Laminum galeobdolon (Keltapeippi)

A perennial land cover plant from Central Europe. Though it is wintergreen and comes from the temperate region, it is hardy also in the...

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